Do We Really Believe That When We Ask, We Receive?

Do we really take Jesus at His word, or do we limit God’s generosity? Ask and you shall receive. Seems clear enough, yet we often spend a lot of time second guessing Him, and maybe even thinking God doesn’t even hear our prayers, let alone answer them. So how seriously can we take this passage from Scripture? Listen to this Sunday’s homily for more.
*As an additional note, I want to apologize for not posting for so long. I kept forgetting to record after there had been a few weeks when I wasn’t preaching, so I got out of the habit. I will try to post more consistently in the future.
Almighty God Lord Giver of Life I pray thee Lord Come.
‘A double-minded person is one who kneels down to ask God for things and beseeches Him to grant them, and yet feels so accused by his conscience that he distrusts his ability to pray. A double-minded person is also one who, when he does good deeds, looks for external approval rather than interior reward. The wise man is right when he says, “Woe to the sinner who walks along two ways!” (Sirach 2:12) People of this type are inconstant in all their ways, for they are very easily overpowered by adverse circumstance and entrapped by favorable ones, with the result that they stray from the true path.’ – St. Bede the Venerable
Come Holy Spirt, Lord giver of life, Come.
For His Good pleasure in the Utmost love! Father of lights have mercy upon us! ❤ ^_^ Amen;
‘Since, in His mercy, He has consecrated me to His love and to His glory, I care not in what manner He treats me. Provided He is satisfied, I am content. Whether He raises me up or casts me down, consoles or afflicts me, it is all the same to me, as long as His good pleasure is fulfilled.’
-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque