Who Are You Asking?

When you pray, who are you praying to? Yes I know the obvious answer, but think for a moment what you think of the One to whom you pray. Who is God to you? What does He mean to you in your life? Are you intentional about really getting to know with Him more, to be with Him? Is He your whole world like parents are to a child? Or is there something detached about your prayer, treating God at times like a service that is owed to you, or that you aren’t even confident will pull through? Let’s talk about who God is to you when you pray. Listen to the homily for more.
Also, I apologize once again for not posting for a few months. I find it amusing though that the last homily I posted was on a similar Gospel reading, but I can assure you this homily is quite different in content. I hope it helps. God bless.