Take the Prophecy Challenge!!!

There are so many religions out there, how can we be sure which of them is right, if any? Or does science just trump everything and there’s no reason to believe in any religion? Would you believe that there has actually been a whole mountain of evidence right under our noses, but somehow we’ve either forgotten all about it, or just simply dismissed it? If there was a ton of evidence for something so significant as the meaning of life and the world around us, would it not be worth your while to consider it?
That is what the Prophecy Challenge is about.
Jesus is the only historical figure who was pre-announced; whose coming was actually prophesied. Even for centuries long before he was ever born, much was said about his life and what would happen to him, even to a number of particular details. My challenge to you is to learn a bit about the prophecies that came before Jesus, and to see if they do not seem to indicate that he’s the real deal.
Here’s how to take the Prophecy Challenge:
- Listen to the homily above by clicking the play button, or downloading it here
— or —
- Better yet, pick up a copy of Bishop Fulton Sheen’s “Life of Christ”, and read Chapter One. (only 4 1/2 pages!)
— then —
- Share this challenge with others who you think need to consider this.
Tell me that after reading that first chapter that you’re not really curious about the amazing implications. You’ll probably want to read the whole book, and I don’t blame you. It’s fantastic.
And remember to challenge your friends, your siblings, or your children or grandchildren to read the first chapter of Fulton Sheen’s book too! Send them a link to this page if need be! Share this around online! Get the word out! Let’s get people to start taking the Prophecy Challenge!!!!!!!
It is truly astounding how much they knew :)!!!!! Gold because he is King!, Frankincense because He is God!!!, and Myrrh because He is Man … and man may die